Sunday, August 30, 2015

Art (7th and 8th grade)

Check out our Scratch Art!  Here are just a few of our Artist Trading Cards we are making.  They are turning out awesome!  It's hard to believe this is only this first week of school.  Great job Jaguars.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Cub Camp Recap (from a student)

Here's is our first student blog entry!  Trevor is one of our 6th graders this year and would like to share with us his experience at Cub Camp. I am sure you will enjoy reading it as much as we did. 

Hi!  I am Trevor Black and an incoming 6th grader who attended West Mo’s cub camp.  Cub camp was a lot of fun.  I was nervous but the kid counselor’s there made it fun and resolved my nervousness by making me feel welcome.  First off, everyone attended a pep rally together with cheers and music.  Next, we played ice breaker bingo to get to know each other better in small groups.  After that, we went on a scavenger hunt around the school to learn where everything is located and how to get from place to place.  We went to rooms like the library, band room, LGI, PE locker room, and lots of others.  Then everyone went to the cafeteria and we all got ice cream!  What a treat!  While we were eating, they turned on a video.  It gave us solutions to things we might worry about like if we can’t find our class and where to go if we can’t open our locker.  Then we checked out all the clubs available at West Mo like DI (Destination Imagination), Theater Club, and the Chess Club.  There is definitely something for everyone.  Sadly, after that, it was over but it was a GREAT first-impression for junior high @ West Mo! 

Looking forward to seeing everyone!  Class of 2022 rocks!  Go Jags!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year

Students, Parents, and Staff,   

Welcome to West Memorial Junior High and the 2015-2016 school year.  This is our official start of our blog for this year.  I am looking to go beyond classroom happenings this year for our blog posts and need your help.  I am looking for others to help showcase our Jaguar story.  If you would like to be a guest blogger, and share your WMJH experience, let me know.

The first day of school truly was one of the best.  Our students and staff were so excited to meet each other and I think it's safe to say they had fun with all the activities our staff had planned.  Please know it is an honor and privilege to serve as your principal.  Our students, parents, and staff are in for a wonderful and exciting experience as we work together to create a school that provides an outstanding education in a safe and secure environment.  The faculty and staff is committed to the goal that West memorial Junior High will be an educational institution where students maximize their individual strengths and potential through balanced academic and extracurricular programs of the highest quality.  It is the aspiration of all staff members to truly make a difference in the lives of the children and community that we serve by promoting acceptance, respect and responsibility.
For our school to be truly great, parental involvement is vitally important.  All of our students will benefit and be successful if we work together as partners.  Please take time to visit the parent tab on the WMJH website to see how you can be involved. Please follow us on Twitter @WMJHJaguars for the latest information and to see the great things taking place in our classrooms.  

In addition, should you have any questions or issues of concern, please do not hesitate to contact us.  It is important that the lines of communication between all members of our learning community remain open and available.  Together we will make WMJH a school of caring, achievement, and trust.  I look forward to working with you throughout the school year.  

Gina Cobb