Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Deaf Education

West Memorial Junior High is proud to house the secondary Deaf Education program.  This year is the first year for the Deaf Education program at WMJH and we are all enjoying the welcome!  In our Deaf Education class, we are doing lots of reading and writing.  This time Ms. Cleveland decided to do something different for the students.  The students had to read a "how to" paper on how to make slime.  The students had to follow the directions and gather all of the "ingredients" as well as the correct supplies.  After gathering the needed stuff, the students worked together on following directions.  There was reading, communication, listening, support, and a mess, but they had fun!  After they answered reading questions, they played with their slimy slime!

Submitted by Ms. Cleveland 
Deaf Education Teacher

Monday, October 16, 2017

Teachers Just Want to Have Fun

Teachers Just Want to Have Fun

Many days a teacher’s day is filled with data talks, pre-planning, and post planning to ensure that all students are successful. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my job, but sometimes, teachers just want to have fun! We meet and greet up to 150 students in our classrooms daily, pouring every single ounce of love and attention into each, but in reality our students know very little about us. They have no idea that we love comics, and that we have a favorite super hero. They know nothing about how many of us imitated Wonder Woman and her amazing ways. As the season of make believe and dress up approaches, many teachers take time to make that connection with their students. This is the time that we can freely show our commonalities with our students. 

As a teacher, my fun meter sometimes runs low. With many demands placed on my profession, I do my best to incorporate fun not only through dress up, but with our daily routines. Showing the funny side to my personality, believe it or not, helps students connect with their academics. Incorporating fun time is not only a great way to allow students to see you as a real person, but it also helps you to realize that yes, I am a real person that may just have a small super power! As any teacher would agree, our super power is teaching little people with sometimes big personalities!
Submitted by Mrs. Anderson
8th grade ELA Teacher

Monday, October 9, 2017

In Mr. Brown’s class, students had fun this past week getting to learn about rubrics! This was the first step in preparing students for their next few papers they are going to be writing. Boring as it may sound, students explored the rubric piece by piece by not just reading through them, but exploring around  the school.  Students enjoyed their time and were successful answering the questions as discoveries were being made! Students were able to read through the rubric and now understand it clearly and concisely.

Rubricize - To provide with or write as a rubric or rubrics; to categorize.

Mr. Brown
7th grade Writing Teacher